Saturday, April 21, 2012


Ice cold angry ocean waves in your stomach.
Brain made of pixie dust;
Relief, a Neverland notion.

Strange pulses tick tock rhythms
in your neck, head, chest, legs
you’re a science experiment gone wrong.
If only you could turn back time, eliminate the cause.

The sickly sweet scent
of gummy bears, to your left
sets your jaw to lockdown
and your insides to spin.

Water tastes like gasoline;
The flavor and texture seem all wrong.
Why does each sip feel like swallowing strips of Jello, whole?

The lights prod your eyeballs
and set your skin to steam.
Everything around you quivers;
it’s all a mirage where solace resides.

Hide in the dark; body naturally reverts to fetal position.
Clothes discarded.
Creepy-crawly uncomfortable like bugs on your skin.
Wait oh-so impatiently for the agony to end.

Will yourself to sleep,
coaxed with crackers.
You don’t want sympathy,
just peace in your organs.

je m'accuse

Hey faithful followers,
I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been focusing a lot on sending out work to be published and I don't want a conflict of rights, so the stories I've been putting out in the 'world' aren't here. I will update ASAP.

Thanks for your patience,
