Tuesday, August 17, 2010

now, now.

Oh sugar, I'm flattered.
But don't you worry
about me.
Yeah, I'm the girl
who he'll use
to get over his ex,
but when he's ready
to settle down,
he'll ask you
without a look back.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

yeahhhh boy

Hell yes, I can be a bro.
But I wanna be your doll too.
Sometimes I want to wear
a pretty dress and a pair of heels,
to let you do the seducing.
Other nights, I want a fifth of whiskey
while I take in a hockey fight.

Come for my lips
and my tits,
but stay for the adventures
aside from my hips.
Let's watch comic books turned films
Or let me bake cookies
while you play xbox live.
I'm not picky;
I just wanna be with you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Name Callin'

Look sweetheart,
you're going to have to come up with something a little more creative
if you wanna hurt me.
There's a real short list of people on this planet
who haven't
called me a whore.
It doesn't bother me at all
if you wanna jump on the bandwagon.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Ophelia dragged her suitcase through the doors of the train station, aching for a cigarette after the twelve hour train ride back to the city she loved. But, before she could wheel herself over to the benches overlooking the river to dig her lighter from her purse, she saw him standing there with a single sunflower.

"Hey." he called when he saw her too.
"Hi." she whispered, dropping her suitcase to the pavement.

The kiss that followed was a summer's worth of anticipation made tangible. His lips felt so right against hers after the months of dreaming.

"I missed you." he said.
"I love you." she said.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My own alternative-emo song (okay, okay, will be retitled, i swear)

We'd have been besties for sure,
if we'd meet five years ago.
I swear to god,
this is the first time
I've ever wished to be fifteen again.
Maybe I never would have started drinking--
never would have let a razor blade split my skin.
How is it that you know all the words to all my favorite songs
when all my 'friends' don't even know the names of my favorite bands?
Life's a wicked, wicked wench.
But you knew that already, didn't you?
Yeah, I know you do.
We're the kind of kids,
who wouldn't hesitate to throw a punch.
(My left hand never really ever did bend the same.)
And fuck's a word that fits in just about anywhere.
Where've you been?
Where you headed?
Are you going to leave, so all I've got is memories?
'cause it's a little bit kinda crazy
that you get me like this, just a few years too late.
Yeah, a few years too late's the story of my life.
But maybe it's not too late, is it too late to know you like this?