Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another Half Glass Monologue

Travis: I believe Monologue

I'm the kind of guy who gets hurt really damn easily.
I don't have a lot of friends,
I don't trust people enough.
I'd rather have friendly acquaintances.
I compartmentalize.
School stays at school.
Family stays with family.
Lovers stay in the bedroom.
None of the lines should ever overlap; there's too much chance for someone to realize I'm not who I say I am.

I love intimacy.
Sometimes, I'd rather cuddle than fuck.
But people don't see me that way.
I'm the cool guy you can pick up for a one- nighter
and leave before I wake up, knowing I won't ask for more.
So I take the sex and reminisce on the touches;
hoping I was good enough.

I drink a lot.
I always have.
You don't start doing breakfast shots at thirteen without a damn good reason.
Whiskey's like water, and tastes that much sweeter.
I don't black out, and it takes a certain situation to make me vomit.
But I'll put down a fifth in a blink.
Sue me.
It makes my mind slow down; no more anxiety. Just feeling.

I act like a cynic.
I know I'm a romantic.
I just gotta find the girl who knows the difference.

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