Sunday, June 13, 2010


Ophelia is a rebound girl.
Or, more often, a in between girl.
Boys'll mess around with her until they're ready to commit to the one they really like. It's happened more times than she can count, now.

The most recent, stung the hardest.
Ophelia let herself fall for a guy she knew from the start, she couldn't have.
He was a limited time offer, and they both knew it.
But the things he said; the way he treated her, she was helpless. He was perfect.

She'd let herself dream that maybe, just maybe, circumstances would play in her favor and they could be together.

But now he was in a relationship-- with someone else. Undoubtedly someone better.

She should have known her place by now. The girl you could play with, no questions asked, until you were finished. She wasn't the place you looked for long term happiness.

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