Monday, June 28, 2010

molasses musings

It looks like rain
and I've got contentment
slow trickling
through my veins.
Why'd they make veins
so goddamn easy to see?
It's like waking up every morning
with a million dollars to your name
and being told you can't spend a damn dime of it.

It's days like these
where I think
so what, if I never fall in love again;
meaning, fall in love
with someone who loves me back.
I'm tired of giving all I've got
to family, friends and lovers
only to get shot
in the back, when I'm already down.

I've got a cat
who's loved me since the first time
he crawled up in my lap.
Only boy who'll ever love me back.

Mama says I need a man
older than me by five to ten years.
I tell her that just seems too old for me.
She says 'careful, your Peter Pan's showing".
I say, so what?
She says "Peter Pan needs to find someone to take care of her".
I laugh it off.
Only time I'll ever admit my Mama's right.

I'm good at being alone.
I'm good at faking independence.
But I bet I could be real good at being in love.
If someone were willing to take the chance.

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