Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In Black and White

[[Note: the use of Ophelia here is in terms of manifestation, not retelling of recent events. Obviously.]]

Ophelia woke up to the smell of hazelnut coffee. She brushed her wavy cinnamon hair away from her face and opened her left eye to look at the nightstand, before lifting her head from the pillow.
Make that, bagel with veggie cream cheese.
Sunday New York Times.
Ophelia sat up.
"Babe?" she called.
Her favorite breakfast. Orgasm inducing newspaper. What was the catch? Or better yet, what was he apologizing for?
Ophelia reached for the paper as she heard her boyfriend's footsteps approaching the bedroom.
As she slid the paper from the nightstand to the bed, something fell in her lap weighing down the sheets where it landed.
A ring.
A platinum, princess cut diamond engagement ring. The kind of ring she'd been picturing all her life.
She set the paper back down and picked up the ring as Henry entered the room.
"Morning." he smiled.
"I think you're supposed to help me put this on." Ophelia said, holding up the ring.
Henry sat on the edge of the bed.
"Is that a yes?"
Ophelia nodded.
"Can't help but trust what comes from the Times." she shrugged.
Henry laughed.
"I figured as much."

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