Saturday, June 12, 2010


Ophelia's hands shook as she walked out of the lobby of her apartment building. She was nervous.
She smiled when she saw him standing outside, under the red canopy. It was their first date.
"Hi." she said, trying not to sound too excited.
"Hey." he said back.
"Wanna play pool, get something to eat?" he asked.
"Sure." Ophelia nodded.
They walked past the bar at the end of the block.
"You can't get in there, can you?" he asked.
"Nope. Not yet."
Ophelia was eighteen.
"That's okay. I know a place."
They turned the corner, Ophelia tripped over her feet when he stopped in front of the parking garage.
"My car's in here." he said.
Ophelia paused. A car? She didn't really know this guy yet, she'd only met him a few days before. All the teen drama tv show warnings ran through her head. Don't get in a strange boys car!
She followed him in anyway. What could happen?

He unlocked the driver's door and climbed in. He brushed piles of papers off the passenger seat before unlocking her door. She climbed in too.
He drove out of the garage. Then motioned to an open pack of Marlboro Lights on the dash. Ophelia took one and lit it.

He drove them straight out of the city. Ophelia hadn't left the safety of her neighborhood since college had begun a few months earlier. Her palms sweat and she lit another cigarette. It would be okay.
"I have to make a quick stop, pick up my sister from work. This is her car, okay?"
They drove for half an hour, deep into the suburbs. Ophelia didn't know which one.
They stopped at a little restaurant and a thin girl in a waitress's uniform glared at the passenger seat before opening the back. She began to speak in a language Ophelia couldn't understand. He answered back.
He started driving again. Ten minutes later, they stopped in front of an apartment building.
"Have a good night, dear." she said to Ophelia.
"Thanks. You too." Ophelia said.
The girl said something in that foreign language and he laughed.
"Goodnight." he called as she slammed the door shut behind her.
"Okay! Let's go.' he said to Ophelia, pulling out onto the road again.

The pool hall was in a strip mall. It was dark and smelled like sweat and beer. TVs mounted on the wall played different sporting events.
Ophelia followed him to pool table.
Ophelia was bad at pool. She lacked coordination in general.
He laughed and made jokes about how she was pretending to be bad on purpose, so that he would help her.
After every shot she made, he kissed her. Always shoving his tongue in her mouth.

"Let's get out of here, yeah?" he said.
Ophelia nodded. It was getting late, she wanted to go home.
When they were back in the car, he kissed her again. Sliding his hands down her shirt. Ophelia pushed his hands away.
He drove into a neighborhood and parked the car. He slid on top of her. He unzipped his pants; then hers.
"Stop." Ophelia said.
And for a moment, he did.
"You're right. There's not enough room in here."
He climbed off, back into the driver's seat. He left his pants half down. As he started to drive, he put her hand on his exposed crotch. She left him harden under her fingers. The first time she'd ever felt...

He was pulling into the parking lot of a motel.
"You go in and pay."
Ophelia zipped her jeans and pulled her purse up from the floor.
She didn't know what else to do.
If she said no, he could leave her there. How would she get back to the city?
She went into the office and bought a room.
The first charge on her credit card.
When she came out, he was waiting. He pulled her by the wrist up the metal stairs to their room.
Before Ophelia really knew what was happening she was on the bed.

And that, dear readers, is how Ophelia lost her virginity.

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